Poetic Phrase:

Add, Delete or Change the Poetic Phrase on Your Ketubah Design!

Price: $15 (Delete), $30 (Change) or $45 (Add)

Your heart was set on a ketubah that featured the phrase, “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine,” but the design you fell in love with has “This is my beloved, this is my friend.” No prob.

We can add, delete or change the “poetic phrase” on your Ketubah Studio design.

Just choose “Add/Delete/Alter Poetic Phrase” on the second tab of the online order form. From there, you can give us your instructions, choose your favorite saying from our most popular phrases, or even write your own phrase!

Examples of Phrase Change:

Original Design


Ketubah with original poetic phrase.


click to enlarge

Design with Changed Phrase


Ketubah with custom poetic phrase.


Ketubah's poetic phrase changed from "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" to "I have found the one in whom my soul delights."


click to enlarge

Ketubah Studio by MP Artworks
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